The Developing Economies
Volume 15, Number 2 (June 1977)
■ The Developing Economies Volume 15, Number 2 (June 1977)
■ B5
■ 105pp
■ June 1977
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PDF files can be viewed for articles that were published by 2005.
Factor Inputs, Total Factor Productivity, and Economic Growth: The Asian Cace (1.3MB) / Edward K. Y. Chen
Planning in Transitional Society: The Mexican Experience (1.4MB) / Shivaji Ganguly
Multidimensional Scalogram Analysis of Philippine Cities, 1960-70: A Typological Approach to Community Modernization (968KB) / Federico V. Magdalena
Theoretical Analysis of the Rice Export System in Thailand (955KB) / Chihiro Nakajima
Material Incentives and the Soviet Masses—Factors behind the Failure of Khrushchevism (1.3MB) / Hiroshi Kimura