IDEAS was founded in 1990 for the purpose of training front-line development specialists in the field of economic development and economic cooperation.
From FY 2018, IDEAS will revamp the training program, the purpose of which is to train front-line experts engaged in practical businesses related to international trade and investment.



Message from IDEAS alumni

Sanya Dua

Sanya Dua, Class of 2023/2024
Research Associate, Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations (ICRIER), New Delhi, India

The IDE Advanced School Training Program FY2023 offered a comprehensive curriculum in International Economics and Socio-Economic Development. The program including almost a month’s visit to Japan was an unforgettable experience, both for professional learning and personal growth.

The diverse cohort of participants from 14 countries and fellows from Japan enriched the learning experience and provided ample networking opportunities, so much so that I am still in constant touch with some of the fellows. The program gives a peer-to-peer learning platform which is meaningful, allowing for discussions on economic and trade issues faced by developing countries and learning outcomes of a developed country like Japan. Coming from a trade and development economic research background, completing this program is like an upward learning curve, providing a clear direction for my future career goals. The focus on topics like Causal Inference in research and international trade, especially in the Asia-Pacific region, was extremely beneficial.

A highlight of the program was the invaluable opportunity to interact with the president of JETRO, gaining insights into Japanese investment strategies, and to interact with officials from the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry (METI) in Japan. Also, the workshop on JICA and Second-hand Goods Trade provided practical learning experiences. One unforgettable aspect was the visit organized to Ichihara High School. Here, I had the privilege of interacting with Japanese high school students and sharing facets of Indian culture. This visit not only allowed me to forge connections with the local community but also offered a profound understanding of Japan's education system and the infrastructure of schools, particularly in the outskirts of Chiba city.

The IDEAS faculty and the special speakers in the online lectures, coming from diverse backgrounds and prestigious universities, enhanced the learning experience. The faculty and admin staff of IDEAS was very responsive and approachable. Access to the e-library and the world-class library in the institute’s campus was extremely valuable.

The intensive report writing and group presentations were interesting. The faculty's feedback was good, enhancing my understanding and skills. The bonds formed with fellow participants are cherished, and the exposure to different cultures was enriching. The supportive Japanese fellows made the rigorous lectures enjoyable and even organized outings to explore Tokyo on the weekends.

Knowing about the Japanese culture was truly the icing on the cake. This experience personally enriched my daily life, influencing my conduct both at work and within society.

My message to the prospective participants of the IDEAS program is that the program offers a platform for peer-to-peer learning and hands-on experience, making it ideal for mid-career professionals in policy, development, or academia. The support from IDEAS Secretariat, faculty, and JETRO New Delhi officials was commendable. The transportation and accommodation arrangements at Makuhari International Training Centre were more than satisfactory. These are things that the future fellows should be least worried about. I surely recommend the IDEAS course in International Studies to future applicants seeking academic, professional, and personal growth. It provides the necessary push to contribute effectively in one's field of work related to policy research and fosters career development.

K.K. Sandun Sameera

K.K. Sandun Sameera, Class of 2023/2024
Assistant Director of Commerce, Department of Commerce, Sri Lanka
(Former Commercial Attaché/ Sri Lanka Consulate General in Mumbai)

The IDEAS training programme offered by the Institute of the Developing Economies- Japan External Trade Organization (IDE-JETRO) is an intensive course on international trade & investment, finance and socio-economic development issues facing developing countries. The multidisciplinary nature of the course provides the participant with a holistic view on how various factors influence the social and economic development of a country. As a government official involved in policy matters on international trade, I personally found the subjects taught and the assignments completed were of direct relevance to my work. The course teaches the participants how to come up with well-informed policy decisions relying on real data and research rather than making decisions based on popular sentiments. I really enjoyed learning concepts such causal inference, identifying and establishing correlations which were applied during our group assignment to refute arguments on economic policies.

Furthermore, I also found the classroom atmosphere during this course was very conducive for advanced learning. The teachings were delivered by leading international and Japanese professors who are well accomplished in their respective subject areas. Apart from the quality of the lecture panel, what make this course a truly international experience is due to the diversity of the group of participants. Each and every participant had their own views based on their country specific experiences and engagements in their respective duties. Participants were free to express themselves at any time and the lecturers promoted active dialog during the lessons. It allowed us to share more experiences and consider the same development issues facing our countries in multiple perspective. During the course of the programme, participants got a wonderful opportunity to get to know other fellows very closely and it led to formation of very strong bonds between us which we carry forward even after the expiry of the course.

Finally, I would like to recommend this programme to anyone who is interested in pursuing higher studies in development issues in an international environment under the guidance of renowned experts.