IDE-GSM: Potential Benefits and Prospect for Collaboration in Mongolia
Economic Impacts of Economic Corridors in Mongolia: An Application of IDE‐GSM
Following the previous year, IDE-JETRO held a seminar with the International Think Tank for Landlocked Developing Countries (ITT for LLDCs) in Mongolia. Speakers from Mongolian side introduced the road infrastructure plan with three corridors combining China, Russia, and Mongolia and IDE researchers presented the simulation of its economic impacts by IDE-GSM (Geographical Simulation Model). Around 60 participants joined the seminar including Mongolian governmental officials, researchers, and students.
Date and Time
November 15, 2017. (Wednesday) 14:00-17:00
International Think Tank for Landlocked Developing Countries (ITT for LLDCs)
Institute of Developing Economies, Japan External Trade Organization (IDE-JETRO)
3rd floor Conference room, UN House (Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia)
- Opening Remarks and Background:
- E.Odbayar, Ambassador at large and Interim Director, ITT for LLDCs
- Presentation 1:
- "Mongolia-Russia-China 'conomic Corridor'"
- Speaker:G. Zorigt Counsellor, Department of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mongolia
- Presentation 2:
- "Implementation Policy on Transportation Infrustructure of Mongolia"
- Speaker:B. Badral Head of Policy and Coordination Section, Department of Policy and Planning, Ministry of Road and Transport Development of Mongolia
- Presentation 3:
- "Economic Impacts of Three Economic Corridors for Mongolia"
- Speaker: Satoru Kumagai, Director, Economic Geography Group, Development Studies Center, IDE-JETRO
- Presentation 4:
- "Observing Development in Mongolia from Space -1992 to Present"
- Speaker:Keola Souknilanh, Researcher, JETRO-Bangkok Office
- Presentation 5:
- "The Mechanism of IDE-GSM"
- Speaker:Toshitaka Gokan, Researcher, Economic Geography Group, Development Studies Center, IDE-JETRO
Q and A
Closing Remarks:
- E.Odbayar, Ambassador at large and Interim Director, ITT for LLDCs
English and Mongolian