[Belonging・Position] Economic Geography Studies Group, Development Studies Center ・Director
[Research Field] Malaysian economy, international trade, numerical simulation analysis
[email] Satoru_Kumagai E-mail
Profile Information (Research history, education, papers & publications)
Japanese page

Previous research

My research to date comprises three parts: (1) research on the Malaysian economy, (2) research on international trade and economic development, and (3) the development of IDE-GSM, a geographical simulation model based on spatial economics. In my research on the Malaysian economy, I have analyzed the country’s economic development from various perspectives, including historical research on the development of Malaysia’s specific industries, such as automotive and electronics and electrical industries; responses to the Asian financial crisis in 1997-98; and the reform of government-owned enterprises. In my research on trade and economic development, I have analyzed trade data to portray the production networks between East Asian countries and reexamined the theory of the flying geese model. IDE-GSM is a model that predicts population and industrial agglomeration at the prefecture/state level for each country in the world. I have been involved in programming, database construction, and applied research such as economic effect analysis of international infrastructure projects.

Current research projects

I am presently working with Dr. Masashi Nakamura to analyze how Malaysia might break out of the middle-income trap, joining a high-income country from political and economic perspectives. Regarding trade and economic development, I am comparing Southeast Asia and Northeast Asia to clarify differences in industrial upgrading, which is a key to escape from the middle-income trap. In the development of IDE-GSM, we have begun research to estimate the traffic volumes on air, sea, roads, and railroads worldwide, linking them to CO2 emissions and other socio-economic indicators.