Previous research
My research attempts to answer the question of what type of trade system contributes to economic development of developing countries. Therefore, I have conducted research on global and regional trade mechanisms from both a legal and institutional perspective. With regard to regional trade, I have examined the characteristics of trade liberalization among APEC and ASEAN countries as well as the regional economic integration of Africa, which is home to many least-developed countries. I have also conducted research on the functions of special and differential treatment, which is preferential treatment adopted by the World Trade Organization for developing countries, as well as the role of preferential treatment in trade implemented by the European Union and the United States for developing countries.
Current research projects
I am currently researching two main topics.
The first topic concerns international relations involving Africa, specifically, the roles that regional organizations such as regional economic communities and the African Union play as actors within Africa in forming external relations. With a particular focus on trade, I aim to clarify the roles of regional organizations in negotiating economic partnership agreements with the EU as well as negotiations with the United States since the passage of the African Growth and Opportunity Act.
The second topic concerns the association of public regulations aimed at achieving sustainable development with private standards and certifications. For example, I examine regulations on IUU (illegal, unreported, unregulated) fishing and plastic-related regulations.