[Belonging・Position] Economic Modelling Studies Group, Development Studies Center
[Research Field] Input-output analysis, international trade, economic development
[email] Yoko_Uchida E-mail
Profile Information (Research history, education, papers & publications)
Japanese page

Previous research

Since joining the JETRO Institute of Developing Economies, I have started my career as a researcher working for compilation of the Asian International Input–Output Tables and involved to construct the table for 1995, 2000, and 2005. While preparing the data for these tables, I have conducted analyses on global value chain in East Asia using the Asian International Input–Output Tables. I recently study on the characteristics of the Asian International Input–Output Tables in comparison with mutiregional international input–output tables published by other organizations. I am also using TiVA data to empirically analyze the types of direct investments made by multinational enterprises.

Current research projects

Through my analysis of foreign direct investment strategies based on international input–output data, I have realized the necessity of such data for which heterogeneity among companies in terms of company size, ownership, and trade types, are taken into consideration. Although international input–output tables have been constructed with an assumption of homogeneity among companies, in recent years the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development and other entities have been compiling international input–output tables that account for firm heterogeneity. Based on the knowledge we have accumulated so far, I am presently working on an expanded international input–output table within the framework of the Asian International Input–Output Table.