MITSUO Hisayuki

MITSUO Hisayuki

MITSUO Hisayuki
[Belonging・Position] Economic Modelling Studies Group, Development Studies Center
[Research Field] Monetary policies in developing countries
[email] Hisayuki_Mitsuo E-mail
Profile Information (Research history, education, papers & publications)
Japanese page

Previous research

I have mainly conducted research on monetary policies in developing countries with issues that relate to them. In 2003, I called a monetary policy framework which comprises of domestic monetary policy and an exchange rate regime a monetary policy regime and edited a book composed of papers related to monetary policies and exchange rate regimes or currency crises in developing countries. In 2013 and 2016, I discussed issues related to monetary policy and the exchange rate regime in Costa Rica. Although I did not discuss directly monetary policy, in 2011, based on the Balassa-Samuelson effect, I showed, by using the sectoral total factor productivity data of the EU KLEMS Database, supporting evidence of the effects of the difference in the rates of technological progress in tradable and non-tradable industries on the rates of change of the relative price of non-tradable goods and of general prices which the Central Bank tries to stabilize in the Republic of Korea.

Current research projects

I research issues related to monetary policies or macroeconomies in developing countries.