KIKUTA Kyosuke

KIKUTA Kyosuke

KIKUTA Kyosuke
[Belonging・Position] African Studies Group, Area Studies Center
[Research Field] International Relations, Conflict Studies, Political Methodology
[email] Kyosuke_Kikuta E-mail
Profile Information (Research history, education, papers & publications)
Japanese page

Previous research

The main focus of my research is the quantitative analysis of conflicts in developing countries. I received my PhD in government studies from the University of Texas at Austin in 2019. I was appointed as an associate professor at the Osaka School of International Public Policy, Osaka University for 2019–2022. Although I have applied statistical causal inference methods and geographic information system data to analyze the effects of climate change on armed conflicts, I am currently interested in the application of causal inference methods to conflict studies in general. I intend to publish articles in internationally-recognized journals and thus provide new insights on conflict studies.

Current research projects

Although my research covers various topics, I have applied causal inference methods (e.g., regression discontinuity) and combined macro- and micro-level data in recent projects. In my ongoing research project, I examine the effect of African players’ performance in European professional football on conflicts in their original countries, using not only macro-level data (conflict event data) but also micro-level data, such as from individual-level surveys, to examine the causal mechanism. My current aim is to provide micro-level foundations to the literature of conflict studies.

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