Previous research
I have empirically investigated the utilization of preferential tariff rates, including those in free trade agreements (FTAs). Although most studies on FTAs examine how much they contribute to increasing international trade among FTA member countries, my research investigates the utilization of FTA tariff rates, which is a crucial component of the trade-stimulating effect of FTAs. Recently, Japan has concluded FTAs with some important trading partners. Japan’s FTA network is nearing completion. Therefore, the topic of my research topic is expected to become increasingly important because the main public interest enhances the utilization of FTAs rather than further increasing the number of FTA partners.
Current research projects
My ongoing projects can be classified into three topics. First, I investigate in detail elements that might affect the utilization of tariff rates in free trade agreements. In particular, I shed light on the role of “other” tariff regimes, such as duty-drawback regimes. Second, I empirically examine how the COVID-19 pandemic has changed trade in goods, trade in services, and foreign direct investment. Within this context, I am also interested in statistically exploring the political effects of mask diplomacy and vaccine diplomacy. Third, I investigate the effects of the recent US–China trade conflict on trade and foreign direct investment in East Asia and Southeast Asia. In other words, I am empirically examining these hot issues by using data on trade and foreign direct investment.