アジア太平洋地域貿易マトリクス 2000年  (Trade Matrix for Asia-Pacific Region 2000 )



■ アジア太平洋地域貿易マトリクス 2000年 (Trade Matrix for Asia-Pacific Region 2000 )
■ アジア経済研究所 編
■ 3,630円(本体価格 3,300円)
■ A4判
■ 224pp
■ 2003年
■ 品切れ


Preface / 樋田 満

 1.1 Introduction
 1.2 Format of the Matrices
 1.3 Commodity Classification
 1.4 Countries
 1.5 Special Accounts
 1.6 Notes on Indonesian and Korean Imports
 1.7 Trade Specialization Coefficient
 Figure1.1 Image of the Trade Matrices (Exports)
 Figure1.2 Image of the Trade Matrices (Imports)
 Figure1.3 Image of the Trade Specialization Coefficient Matrices
 Table1.1 Commodity Classification

 Table2.1 Export Trade Matrix (Total)
 Table2.2 Import Trade Matrix (Total)
 Table2.3 Export Trade Matrix (4 sectors)
 Table2.4 Import Trade Matrix (4 sectors)
 Table2.5 Export Trade Matrix (20 sectors)
 Table2.6 Import Trade Matrix (20 sectors)
 Table2.7 Export Trade Matrix (62 sectors)
 Table2.8 Import Trade Matrix (62 sectors)

 Table3.1 Trade Specialization Coefficient (Total)
 Table3.2 Trade Specialization Coefficient (4 sectors)
 Table3.3 Trade Specialization Coefficient (20 sectors)
 Table3.4 Trade Specialization Coefficient (62 sectors)