Research Activities

Research Projects 2023

Economic Impacts of US-China Trade Disputes


The U.S.-China tariff war began in 2018. After the U.S. government imposed additional tariffs against goods imported from China, the Chinese government imposed retaliatory tariffs against goods from the U.S. Afterward, the U.S. introduced strict export control measures, such as the foreign direct product rule. Against this backdrop, this project investigates theoretically and empirically how these trade conflicts change firms' behavior or activities in East and Southeast Asia. First, we examine the effects on innovation by Chinese firms in the entity list. Second, we study the relocation of firms from China to neighboring countries, especially ASEAN countries. Third, we examine the effect of the inward foreign direct investment from China on Vietnam. Last, we theoretically discuss possible future influences.


April 2023 - March 2025

Role Member
[ Organizer ] Hayakawa, Kazunobu
[ Co-researcher ] Chih-Hai Yang(National Central University Professor)
[ Co-researcher ] Mi Dai(Beijing Normal University Professor)
[ Co-researcher ] Ju Hyun Pyun(Korea University Professor)
[ Co-researcher ] Chuc Nguyen Dinh(Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences Chief of Staff)
[ Co-researcher ] Mukunoki, Hiroshi(Gakushuin University Professor)

*Affiliations are as of April 2023.

Expected Outcome
  • The Discussion Paper