Research Activities

Research Projects 2023

Political Institutions and Ideology under Dictatorship: The Process of Establishment, Consolidation, and Maintenance of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party Regime.


The purpose of this study is to clarify the roles and functions played by democratic political institutions and socialist ideology in the establishment, consolidation, and persistence of the communist one-party dictatorship in Laos, as well as the dynamism of these changes. Specifically, I conduct two analytical tasks. One is to track the process by which the party introduces/modifies democratic institutions and ideologies at any given point in time. The other is to examine the strategic choices the party makes in each phase and their consequences, showing how the functioning of the institutions is modified and how these choices are legitimized by ideology. By doing so, I can capture not only the functioning of democratic political institutions and ideologies in a communist one-party dictatorship, but also the dynamism of their change.


April 2022 - March 2024

Role Member
[ Organizer ] Yamada, Norihiko
Expected Outcome
  • Book published by External Publisher (Japanese)