Research Activities

Research Projects

Reinvigoration of the Philippine Economy (2016_2_40_007)


The Philippines has recently drawn the attention of developed/emerging countries given its high GDP growth rate since 2010 (6% on average) and growing population of over-100 million in 2014, as well as the political and economic policies of the Duterte administration that came into power on 30 June 2016. On the other hand, the country has struggled with persistent challenges, such as underdeveloped infrastructure and a steady poverty rate around 25%. In this research project, we conduct statistical surveys and interviews with government officials and business associations regarding the industrial and financial sectors, business groups, social structure and regional disparities in the Philippines. The results and outputs in Japanese will offer comprehensive and up-to-date information about the Philippines to the general public.


April 2016 - March 2018

Members of the Research Project
[ Organizer ] Kashiwabara Chie
[ Co-researcher ] Suzuki Yurika
[ Co-researcher ] Takagi Yusuke (Assistant Professor, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies)

  • アジ研選書 (in Japanese)