Research Activities

Research Projects

Development and Applications of a Novel Global Economic Model (2016_2_40_006)


Due to globalization, there is a trend toward borderless and spatial impact on other economic agents. Moreover, it is quite difficult for one country to combat various policy issues by itself. This indicates that international policy coordination is becoming more important.

With particular focus on fiscal/monetary policies under the international economic system, this project develops an empirical model which interlinks a multi-country, multi-sectoral sub-model with fiscal/monetary sub-models and applies it to international fiscal/monetary policy coordination issues.


April 2016 - March 2018

Members of the Research Project
[ Organizer ] Yano Takashi (Professor, Hiroshima Shudo University)
[ Co-researcher ] Shibata Tsubasa
[ Co-researcher ] Kosaka, Hiroyuki (Professor emeritus, Keio University)

  • IDE Research Bulletin
  • IDE Discussion Paper