Research Activities

Research Projects

FY 2015/2016 Research Topic: C-07
Political and Economic Changes in Malaysia during the Post-Mahathir Era


The purpose of this research project is to obtain a picture of the political and economic landscape of Malaysia during the post-Mahathir era. Malaysia is currently experiencing drastic political change. Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, who succeeded Mahathir Mohamad in 2003, promoted political liberalization and pledged to fight against corruption. Voters supported Abdullah in the 2004 general elections, but his half-baked reforms resulted in a gap between heightened expectations and politics as usual. The resulting frustration caused a change in voting behavior in 2008. Also, economically, the growth sector is shifting from manufacturing to services, and this trend has tended to push workers back to rural areas causing a surge in the number of “new poor.” Our aim is to understand the mechanisms of these political and economic changes.


April 2015 - March 2017

Members of the Research Project
[ Organizer ] NAKAMURA Masashi
[ Co-researchers ] KUMAGAI Satoru
[ Co-researchers ] UMEZAKI So
[ Co-researchers ] SUZUKI Ayame (Associate Professor, Doshisha University)
[ Co-researchers ] IGA Tsukasa (Researcher, Kyoto University)
[ Co-researchers ] WASHIDA Hidekuni (Researcher, Waseda University)
[ Co-researchers ] KAWABATA Takashi (Deputy Director, SMBC Nikko)