Research Activities

Research Projects

FY 2014/2015 Research Topic: C-08
Relations between the States and Civil Society Organizations in 21st century Latin America


We will research on the relationship between the states and civil society associations in 21st century Latin America. After the Second World War, the relationship between them formed state corporatism under the populist governments in many Latin American countries. This state corporatism continued to be seen under several authoritarian regimes. However, many civil society associations emerged through the democratization that occurred in the 1980s, and the large state itself was transformed through the neoliberal reforms in the 1990s. We will argue that this new relationship between the states transformed and a wide variety of civil society association that have emerged since the1980s.


April 2014 - March 2016

Members of the Research Project
[ Organizer ] USAMI Koichi
[ Co-researchers ] BABA Kaori
KONTA Ryohei
KIKUCHI Hirokazu
MURAKAMI Yusuke (Professor, Kyoto University)
OKADA Isamu (JSPS Research Fellow, Kyoto University)